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Christmas Minis

Here you will find a gallery from each mini done this Christmas!

The Williams​

This Mini featured little miss Berkley who was
only 2 months old at the time! She is just beautiful isn't she?

Daniel Bryan​

This handsome little one is celebrating his first Christmas and obviously enjoying every moment of it!!!

The Cruz's​

Look at these twins! Can you say adorable ! They just wanted to play play play I had such a fun time with them :D So enthusiastic !

The Griffin's​

The Griffin's are one of my regular's and I was so happy to be able to spend this little one's first Christmas time with him!

The McGowan's​


This family seemed picture perfect ! They were so cooperative and talk about well behaved!! I couldn't get a bad one even if I had tried!​

The Smith's

This lovely little boy is my neighbor and he just puts a smile on my face every time I see him! He has such a personality for being so young!​


The Reason's

This family has been with me from Day one in North Carolina! I have got to see the baby grow so much over the past few months! I love them to pieces!​


The Little's

For the first time I got to meet this family altogether , usually it's just Anna the kids and I but we persuaded Dad and got some Amazing family shots !​


The Byrd's

Look at these cute little ones, talk about adorable twins! All they wanted to do was explore and play and take in the wonder of Christmas! It was beautiful!​


The Soward's


Usually I only get little ones in the studio or couples but I was happy to see a family with an older child take the time to get photos that they will be so grateful for when he leaves the nest!


The Mullen's



I met Jess and Declan three days before little mister Nolan was born! We were reunited for Christmas and I have to say he is just the cutest thing ever!

Courtny's Family

This family was a blast to work with so fun and free flowing for whatever! The kids were soo great to work and so excited for Christmas!​​


The Brycelands

Tami and her two daughters have become really close to me in my short time here, I love them all like family and love to see how happy they are to come see me!​



Can you so Adorable??​

You may have seen this little girl before because we all know she is made for the camera. She never seizes to amaze me with how good she sits and photographs !


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